When Google Pay was released in India in August 2018 (previously released as Tez in 2017), no one expected it to blow up as much as it did. 😮 🤯

I mean, think about it. If you haven’t spent the last two years living under a rock (it’s cool even if you have — we’re in the middle of a pandemic, you do you!), but if you haven’t — you know what Google Pay is!

You’ve heard of it, and we guarantee you’ve used it. If you haven’t, what are you waiting for? Yep, we’re singing the Nickelback song! 🤪

(You can learn more about it here — about Google Pay, not the song.)

Digital transactions are the new normal

We’re living in a time and age where nothing is as it was before. Many changes have happened — personally, professionally, and globally.

Everyone is trying to figure out what works and what doesn’t. There’s one thing that worked and works — digital transactions! It’s the easiest way to transfer money from one party (that’s what the banks call you) to another — and rightly so.

Google Pay is one app that helps make the process easier for you. All you’ve got to do is look for who you want to transfer the funds to (the party, remember?), enter the amount and put in your secret code — and voila, the money’s in their account. 🤭

Sounds easy? Sure it is. But it’s also quite time-consuming.

How is it time-consuming, you ask? ⏳⁉️

Today, the Google Pay interface looks like this:

Now, there are certain parties or people that you’ll be interacting with regularly on Google Pay — be it your local vendors, your network providers, or your best friend.

When you use an app THAT frequently — and you carry out transactions with the same set of people — daily, weekly, or even quarterly, you’d expect that you could bookmark or favourite these people (or businesses) you interact with regularly — no?

Well, unfortunately, you can’t. Not yet, at least. 👎🙇

You’re one of my favourites!

We’re suggesting a simple addition that helps you bookmark or favourite the people (or businesses) you engage with repeatedly so that you can find them in a jiffy — making the process much more efficient.

One thing at a time (OTAT) | Google Pay—Make payments faster

Imagine what it would be like — when you’re at the head of the socially distanced queue in a store, trying to make a payment, and you’re done paying instantly! Wow! Or you mean, how? The store’s your favourite! 🥰

Essentially, this one addition will accelerate the process of regular payment via Google Pay, enhance your experience, and make life that much easier.

A minor change, a major, save — how about that?✌️💥